Catholic Church of the ABCs

“Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words. Saint Francis of Assisi.”

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David Hunter Reardon grew up in the Richmond Diocese attending Our Lady of Lourdes, Henrico, where his father is a Eucharistic minister and his mother is a second-grade teacher. He is now a parishioner at St. Benedict, Richmond. An Auburn graduate, he has written for USA Today, Richmond Magazine, the Chesterfield Observer and Alabama Extension. He enjoys fishing, reading, writing and watching the Boston Red Sox.

Reardon began working at The Catholic Virginian in June after returning from a seven-month stay in Gandia, Spain, where he taught English in primary school. While overseas, he wrote a travel column for the Chesterfield Observer detailing experiences in Valencia, Sagunto, Rome, Amsterdam and Romania. He also traveled to Lourdes with his mother on Easter Sunday.

Reardon speaks fluent Spanish and conversational Italian. He has visited the Vatican, the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the Chapel of the Holy Grail in Valencia. He has seen the grandeur and might of the Church as patron of the arts, and, especially in Spain and Latin America, as the pillar of civic life. As a program assistant for the foster care team at Commonwealth Catholic Charities, he saw the Church in her indispensable role as a refuge for those in need. These experiences have increased his desire to serve the Catholic Church, the patron of his profound devotion.

Editor’s note:

Hunter can be reached at [email protected].

Read his first story with The Catholic Virginian, “Becoming a deacon begins with inquiry”

Daily Reading

Daily Reading

  • Thursday of the Third Week of Easter

    Reading 1 Acts 8:26-40 The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip,“Get up and head south on the roadthat goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, the desert route.” So he got up and set out. Now there was an Ethiopian eunuch,a court official of the Candace,that is, the queen of the Ethiopians,in charge of her entire treasury,who had come to Jerusalem to worship,  » Read more about: Thursday of the Third Week of Easter  »Read More »


Weekly Bulletins

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Prayer Intentions

Prayer Intentions

WE PRAY TO THE LORD…  Maria Brabo, Alan Fuchs, Honey Furfaro, Jennifer Furfaro, Jerry Harambasic, Tom Hunnicutt,  Wayne Mundy, Gene Onestinghel, John Onestinghel, Parker Onestinghel, Pat Onestinghel, Lori Ann Pompie and Debbie Wyman.

We pray also for the return of those who have lost or abandoned their Catholic faith; also for the souls in purgatory who no longer have anyone left on earth to pray for them… LORD HEAR OUR PRAYERS.